Tuesday, May 5, 2015

30 Week Update

Well. Here we are. A whole 5-8 weeks away from there being two more Kirwen's in the world. (A very small percentage if you know anything about my husband's family.) I have a month of work left to go, hoping that my body stays strong enough to work about 17 more days...I'm not so sure that'll happen, but I'm hopeful. As are my darling students who have been asking more frequently if I'll be there until the end. There's something unsettling to me about not being able to finish the year...my first year, too, at this school with some truly awesome kids. Bed rest is prescribed more often than not for women pregnant with multiples, so I've mentally prepared myself for that news...

On a sad note, I found out Saturday morning that a former student of mine died after being pulled from a house fire. It's something that, as a teacher you know will happen at some point in your career, but you just don't think about it too much. They're kids, and it's too morbid. You think you'll lose one to an illness...never not knowing that his house is on fire and/or just can't get out. I can only imagine what my former colleagues and students are experiencing. I pray for their strength as they head back to the place they saw this young man on a daily basis. I'll never forget the phrase this young man said to me most frequently..."Hey Mizz K, can I plug in my phone?" 

How far along? 
30 whole weeks. Ohmygoodness.
Total weight gain:  
27 pounds. Yep, you read that right. 2. 7. Oy. Only about 7 of those pounds are baby. 
Maternity clothes? 
Yes, with the exception of a few pairs of forgiving yoga pants.
Stretch marks? 
In denial about them, but yes.
Constant. It’s almost a relief when they’re calm.
Pretty good. My Fitbit says I’m pretty restless but not enough to wake me up!
Best moment this week: 
Discovering more stretch marks on Sunday morning. LOL J/K.
Miss Anything? 
Wine. We went to the winery Friday and my mouth was seriously watering. They had the summer sangria out.
Food cravings:  
Ice cream…but that’s nothing new.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
The thought that I’m having these babies in the next 5-8 weeks or so.
 Boys! Very wiggly ones. 
Labor Signs:  
More pressure down below; both boys have been head down at our past 3 ultrasound appointments. I take that as a good sign and they know their way out. Cheers to that! 
Back pain (Thank God for chiropractors), heartburn is getting worse, Michelin man ankles and feet.
Belly Button in or out? 
Flat/poking out depending on their locations.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  
Happy…but uncomfortable!
Looking forward to: 
Finishing buying off of our registry and being fully prepared for them to arrive! (LOL. Right.) Car seat bases may go in soon…baby steps here.

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