Thursday, May 21, 2015

32-but-actually-33-Week Update

So. Here we are. Thirty-three weeks along and the end is actually in sight. It's next month. Next. Month. It's in just a few weeks. It's been talked about for nearly 6 months and now it's practically reality. Oy vay. 
We've made it pretty far with zero issues...Murphy's Law is sure to set in soon though.  (Pessimistic or realistic?) We've been incredibly lucky that things have gone as smoothly as they have...minimal nausea early on and heartburn that I was pretty sure was burning a hole in my esophagus, but real, health-threatening issues? Nada. The NP made a mention of a trace of protein in my urine today, indicating possible preeclampsia, so we're going to pray that doesn't become a bigger issue. 
We'll be meeting these boys sooner than we can even comprehend...3-4 weeks. Aah! 

How far along? 
32 whopping weeks.
Total weight gain:  
34 big ones. About 26 of that is in my ankles/feet. The other 8? The boys.
Maternity clothes? 
Stretch marks? 
Yes, yes they do multiply daily.
Every time I am still, they are not. It’s a sign of my future.
Getting comfortable is quite a task, but once I’m comfy, sleep is pretty great.
Best moment this week: 
When I took my sister to my ultrasound with me and she called me fat, and the tech scolded her.
OH! And our diaper party was pretty great!
Miss Anything? 
Still missing the vino. Being able to get out of bed without losing my breath.
Food cravings:  
None. I really feel like I’m missing out, here.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
Still the thought that they’re coming sooner than later.
Labor Signs:  
They are both still head down, and have been for about a month. If one of them flips I’m going to be so disappointed.
Back pain (Thank God for chiropractors), heartburn is getting worse, Michelin man ankles and feet.
Belly Button in or out? 
Happy or Moody most of the time:  
Happy…but uncomfortable!
Looking forward to: 
Putting myself on bed rest following the school year wrapping up! (But actually sad about the year being over. Sentimental post about that coming up.)  

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