Wednesday, March 18, 2015

23 Weeks

The Kirtwins Update: Baby A is weighing in at 1lb, 7 oz, and Baby B is weighing in at 1lb, 9oz, which is about 5oz more than where most babies at 23 weeks are. Luckily their heads are still small so I'm hoping that'll be of assistance during their exit. In the car after we left, my adorable husband said, "I was kinda surprised. I thought they woulda been like 4 pounds each by now!!" LOL.

You know...I don't feel that big. But then I see myself in my weekly pictures, so dutifully taken by my wonderful husband, and I think something along the lines of "Dear God, I am massive!" But then I also think about the numerous blogs of other women I have read, and pictures of theirs I have seen and remember that I have a very, very long way to go, with many more inches and pounds to add in the 12-14 weeks I have left in this still-surreal adventure. 

How far along? 23 Weeks
Total weight gain: 15 lbs...HOLY CRAP. It seems 5 lbs of that is in my ankles and feet. 
Maternity clothes? Love 'em. THere's a few things I can still squeeze into, but it's not great. 

Stretch marks? None yet...kudos, coconut oil lotion which I will continue to slather on at least once every 24 hours. (Or maybe it pays a little to have a little pudge pre-pregnancy?)
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well once I get comfortable and given I don't have surprise heartburn. 
Best moment this week: Seeing the nuggets for 2 whole hours today during our ultrasound. Feeling them move is one thing, seeing them move is awesome!

Miss Anything? A nice glass of vino and pants that don't come up to my bra. 
Movement: Multiple times daily!
Food cravings: Today I was craving leftover, reheated mac and cheese, and yesterday I decided I wanted spinach leaf salad for lunch. It was delish. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm not crazy about beef. 
Gender: Boys! 
Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Heartburn. Big, fat ankles. Back pain. 
Belly Button in or out? Depending on their locations, it's either flat or starting to poke out a little. It's so sad to see the outline of where it's been for 26.5 years...
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Picking names and our shower! 

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