Sunday, November 1, 2015

Month 5 Faves

Here we are in month 5 of life with these hilarious, adorable, entertaining boys. I'm not quite sure where the past 5 months have gone, but the first 3 feel like they are so far away and so close at the same time. I'm a walking cliche...sorry friends who hate those parenting cliches.
We are well established in our daily routine which is so nice to have. I'm definitely a routine snob. We are out the door by 6:45, usually even earlier than that. I like to be at work early so we sacrifice a few extra minutes of sleep. They take about a 45 minute-1 hour nap when they get home from the babysitter every afternoon and then are in bed for the night between 7-8! They eat once in the middle of the night, and are up again by 5 to eat breakfast. Mom guilt is real when you don't get to spend that much time with them during the week, so we smother them on the weekends, which we are perfectly fine with!
If you're keeping tabs, we missed Month 4 Favorites, Etc. because being a Working Mom Who Is An English Teacher does not leave much room for fun. I was trying to grade 63 large writing assignments this time last month and the blog wasn't even on the stove, let alone the back burner. But I have to say that not much really changed from month 3 to 4...same stuff, same activities, same clothes which, was nice. Now we're constantly pulling out clothes that don't fit that they wore like three times (it makes me sick) and are just-as-constantly wondering if we have enough clothes for them....but we're set through February, and then I'll panic again.

Anyway, here's a list and link to the stuff we're loving for right now, which is probably what you're here for to begin with. Happy shopping/adding-to-registry-ing.

Ingenuity Booster Seat These nifty little seats double as high-chairs (because have you seen our kitchen?!), and are about $10 cheaper than those overly popular Bumbo's. When I registered, I don't think Bumbo seats came with trays but now they do...these ones do as well, and the tray is storable underneath the seat. They have buckles and keep the boys pretty snug while they sit on top of our kitchen table to eat! At Target, there are toys that suction to the trays just for the Ingenuity seats, as well.

The Exersaucer This Exersaucer we got is super lame. It doesn't have lights or music.  I was a snob when registering and thought "I don't want something too overstimulating, kids are so overstimulated these days!" which I still stand by, but the Exersaucers need those lights and music. Excuse me while I chow down on those words some more. Some wonderful friends gave us this one that their son outgrew, and theirs is much more fun. BUT the boys seem to love them. We shove a blanket in front to hold them in place a little because they're not totally stable just yet, and it works wonderfully! (I also thought we didn't need two. LOL. You can laugh at me and I won't be offended.)

Oball Rattles A wonderful friend (hey Aunt Coop!) gifted us with these about 2 weeks ago and they have taken the cake as far as best toys we have for the boys. I bought more for the sitters house. They are perfect for our boys to grip with their itty bitty hands, and are able to chew on them as well. Register for these, buy them need these!

The Baby Brezza Formula Pro Alright...definitely classify this as a "thneed" (things you think you need) unless you have more than one child drinking formula at a time, then this is a NEEEEEED if your budget or a family member can swing this for you. My normally not-an-impulse-buyer husband bought this on Amazon one night after losing his mind at the 1 AM feeding. I'm not sure WHYYYY I never read about this gem during my countless hours of research while pregnant, but I'm here to save your souls and convince you to buy it. Register for it. Whatever. It fits about a whole bag of formula in the top, and has 5 settings for bottle size, 2-10 oz bottles. You fill the reservoir just like a Keurig (I call it the Baby Keurig...these spoiled kids) and just press the button when it's ready to go. It heats the water to a perfect temp but you can also just run it when you want. If you are sick and tired of running sink water until it's the perfect temp, scooping and spilling valuable, expensive formula onto your counter, then this. is. for. you.

These Bibs I've said it before and I'll say it again...don't waste your money on someone else's kid or your own by buying crappy bibs. The cute ones that come with outfits are one thing, but don't buy someone crap. It's just frustrating. These bibs are big and cover the majority of their fronts, which lately have been soaking through because of the drooling situation, which my husband is begging them to be over very soon. (Cute.)

Gerber Oatmeal Cereal Yes I know there is the rice cereal, and then there's this stuff. Our pediatrician said the regular rice stuff will block them up and recommended we use this. Who wants to chance constipated babies? Not us. They get this once or twice a day preceding a bottle of formula.  It ties them over just a little longer and they pretty much love it! The first few times were messy, but they are basically spoon-fed experts at month 5.